Your Creative Spark:
Inspiring Interviews with 12 Highly Creative Bloggers
How do you invite your creativity out to play?
What is your biggest challenge as a creative person - and how do you overcome it?
What advice do you have for people just starting to explore their creative dreams?
I know it takes courage to pursue your creative dreams. That's why I'm committed to helping you along the way. I put together Your Creative Spark with you in mind. If you have any questions about this or any of my other offerings, please, be in touch. I'd love to connect with you. You can email me at jamie (at) openthedoor (dot) ca.
Jamie Ridler Studios
jamie (at) openthedoor (dot) ca
If Your Creative Spark excites your muse, sign up for my monthly e-zine for regular doses of inspiration and to stay up-to-date on creative offerings ranging from Full Moon Dreamboards to The Next Chapter book blogging group. You won't want to miss a thing!
Inspiring Interviews with 12 Highly Creative Bloggers
How do you invite your creativity out to play?
What is your biggest challenge as a creative person - and how do you overcome it?
What advice do you have for people just starting to explore their creative dreams?
12 inspiring creative bloggers answer these questions and more in Your Creative Spark, an audio collection of powerful interviews designed to coax your inner artist out to play! Wisdom abounds in these conversations between creative self-development coach Jamie Ridler and 12 diversely talented women, all of whom share their insights on blogs. Wherever you are on your creative path, these guides share wisdom that will support you along the way.
Do you...
These interviews will...
Jamie Ridler
Jamie Ridler Studios
Starshyne Productions
You'll receive creative inspiration and guidance from...
Jennifer Lee
Artizen Coaching
Life Unfolds
Listen to Jenn to discover your inner muse and create your wo-manifesto!
Certified life coach, artist and yogini, Jennifer Lee of Artizen Coaching empowers professional and entrepreneurial women to awaken their inner muse and live life in full color. A former corporate ladder climber, Jennifer now lives her passion and helps others do the same. She is the creator of the Right-Brain Business Plan and the Unfolding Your Life Vision Kit and is featured in two books. Jennifer is writing her first book about using art and creativity to unfold your life vision. Her faves: Ashtanga yoga, anything sweet (especially her husband, her dog and dessert!), reading, connecting with friends and doing arts & crafts.
Suzie Ridler
Rebelling against traditional definitions, Suzie reveals the creativity of being a domestic diva.
Suzie Ridler is an accidental dynamic domestic diva who found out that the homemaker's path can be fun, delicious and exciting. She is out to change our outdated ideas of women who create domestic bliss. Suzie loves creating in the kitchen and is currently turning her house into a home. She believes that homemakers can be young at heart, rebellious and anything but frumpy. Life at home is a beautiful thing.
Jessie is a full-time artist living in the wintery tundra of Minneapolis, MN with her three dogs, 2 cats, and 1 husband. She loves strong coffee, is the creator of the Be Brave Project, and believes in creating a life that fills you from the inside out.
Leah Piken Kolidas
Blue Tree Art Gallery
Creative Every Day
Go on a Art Picnic with Leah and let your creativity play!
Leah Piken Kolidas is a mixed-media artist and creativity guide living near Boston, MA with her husband and their four fuzzy cats. Leah sells her original artwork and prints on Blue Tree Art Gallery and on Etsy. Leah also leads the month-long "Art Every Day Month" challenge every November and the year-long "Creative Every Day Challenge" on her blog, Creative Every Day.
The Creative Every Day Challenge is a low-pressure challenge and is open to everyone looking to infuse their daily life with creativity.
Christine Mason Miller
Christine's Blog
Hear how Christine finds inspiration by getting to the page!
Her latest creation, Ordinary Sparkling Moments, is a full color self-published book that combines her mixed media work and writing, all aimed at exploring the joys of finding wisdom in everyday life. Ordinary Sparkling Moments was released in August 2008 and can be purchased on this website, Etsy and Amazon.com.
Andrea Scher
Superhero Designs
Superhero Journal
Learn Superhero tactics for defeating your inner saboteurs so you can fly!
Andrea Scher is an artist, mom and life coach living in Berkeley, California. Through her company Superhero Designs and blog Superhero Journal, she aims to inspire other creative souls to live authentic, colorful and extraordinary lives.
Melanie McMullin
An Eager Soul's Journal
Creating in the Midst
Leonie Allan
Goddess Guidebook
Let Leonie help you experience the goddess in you.
Your Creative Spark includes a guided meditation with this creative goddess.
Leonie Allan is a Goddess living in Canberra, Australia. She believes that inside each of us, there is a Goddess - a woman of wisdom, beauty and deep soul. Leonie creates art & events to help women discover and celebrate this Goddess inside each of us. She make artworks to celebrate your Soul Story and the Goddess In You. Leonie has photographed women as Goddesses from the desert centre of Australia to villages in India. She create e-courses and retreats for you to help experience the creative and spirited Goddess inside you. And she also runs Goddess Guidance coaching & oracle reading sessions for gorgeous women all over the globe, to help them find clarity, guidance and spirit on their journey.
Jen Lemen
Jen Lemen draws on her big sister energy to encourage you to pursue your creative dreams despite roadblocks and rejection.
Jen Lemen is a writer, artist and independent publisher with a passion for creating community and friendship wherever she goes. Whether she’s telling knock-knock jokes in the kitchen with her two kids Madeleine and Carter or trekking across the Rwandan hillside collecting stories of confidence and hope, Jen believes that ordinary people can do amazing things with whatever they have, wherever they are. You can read more about Jen, her life and her work at jenlemen.com.
Darlene J Kreutzer
Small Moments Make a Life
Darlene shares how she's gotten over creative challenges
and makes a huge declaration!
Darlene J Kreutzer is a published photographer and poet who lives with her musician husband and sports minded son in the diverse landscape of Western Canada. When she is not scribbling in her notebooks or playing with light, she can usually be found playing with paints, twisting up jewelry designs, creating culinary vegan delights or puttering in her garden which is currently sleeping under a few feet of snow.
She has an English Literature degree and a Secondary Education degree and works full time as a project coordinator in the healthcare sector. She and her husband also started a photography business in 2008 which specializes in artist, lifestyle and wedding photography. She continues to take art, writing and photography classes and workshops when she can and hopes that she will continue to learn, grow and change as the years go by.
She is grateful for: family, the light that casts beauty across shadows, music that lifts emotions, a little house and garden filled with colour and love, friends and inspirations, the beauty of nature, the ocean's cold spray, the soft barnacle skin of the grey whale and the possibilities that exist in life.
Sunny Schlenger
Sun Coach
Sun Coach Blog
Be mentored by Sunny and discover what brings you back to you.
“I believe that everything in your Life is connected. Understanding the connections between what you love, what you do, what you’ve saved and what you want out of Life will start you on an amazing journey of discovery and personal development.”
Sunny Schlenger is a professional organizer, author and mentor with over 30 years of experience as a pioneer in her field. She helped launch the “custom-tailored” approach to getting organized in the 90’s with her best-selling book, How To Be Organized In Spite Of Yourself, whose approach was licensed by Harvard University’s training and development program. She then took the concept of organizing to the next level by integrating it with spirituality. The result, Organizing For The Spirit was published in 2004.
In addition, Sunny has also been named as a “flow master” by Charlene Belitz and Meg Lundstrom, authors of The Power of Flow (New York: Random House, 1997). The title designates someone who is one of a group of people “highly engaged in the natural, effortless, unfolding of life in a way that moves them towards wholeness and harmony.” As a consultant, author, coach and mentor, Sunny has worked with thousands of people, assisting them in their quest for self-realization, productivity and peace.
Laini Taylor
Grow Wings
Listen to Laini and discover how work through your perfectionism to really get things done!
Laini Taylor is a writer and artist living in Portland, Oregon. Her first novel, Faeries of Dreamdark: Blackbringer, was published in 2007, and 2009 will see the release of its sequel, Silksinger, as well as her third book, Lips Touch, a trio of supernatural tales about kissing!
Though Laini had always wanted to be a writer, a patch of *writer's block* after college (a symptom of staring at a computer screen all day at her first *real job* as an editor) led her on a winding path to art school in her mid-20s. She now designs a licensed product line, Laini's Ladies, that is sold throughout the country and beyond. She lives with her husband, illustrator Jim Di Bartolo, and their old dog Leroy, and spends her days writing and designing.
To recap, Your Creative Spark includes...
But be prepared, listening to these interviews may change your life. Here's what happened when Lisa of Groggy Froggy listened to the interview with life coach and artist Jennifer Lee:
Thank you so much for this interview. I listened to it fresh from a part-time (low low paying) job interview. I was sitting here in near tears at the thought of saying yes to it.
Then, I clicked on the interview and began to listen. I paused it and called our local parks and recs and talked to them about offering some soulcollage classes to their children!
My husband came home while I was on the call and we talked. We decided that I wouldn't take the job but I would spend as much energy working on doing what I love and let the Universe take care of the rest.
My next plan is to write a proposal letter since Parks and Rec was interested! And then a business plan to keep myself engaged.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
Listening to these interviews may also transform the way you see yourself. That's what happened to Lil from The Power of Creation when listening to Suzie Ridler.
LOL ~ that was so great to hear! In the middle of your interview, Suzie, I grabbed a pen and jotted down a note to acknowlege my creativity as a domestic diva. Up until now, it's not something I would have called as "creative" or even recognized as worthy of being enjoyable... but hearing your enthusiasm about it (and knowing where you've come from through your blog writing) has instantly allowed me to say, "Hey, I DO get enjoyment from this...and I do allow my own creative spark to influence my cooking and atmospere in my home for my family and myself!" While it's not exactly how I want to fully express my creativeness, it's within the doability (is that even a word?) my life as a mother of a preschooler is. So mote it be!
Do you...
- Ache to fully claim your creative self but struggle with considering yourself "an artist"?
- Wrestle with finding the time, space and courage to pursue your creative dreams?
- Yearn to develop a creative process that will support you, not only in your art but also in your life and in the pursuit of your innermost desires?
- Wonder if you're all alone out there?
These interviews will...
- Affirm that you are an artist. Whether you are a photographer, a writer, a painter, a blogger or a domestic diva, whether you are experienced or a beginner, if you hear the call, there is wisdom and encouragement here for you.
- Buoy your courage by sharing the way women like you have faced and overcome their creative fears.
- Offer practical tips and strategies that will encourage your inner artist to come out to play.
- Keep you company and be a light on your creative journey.
- Audio files (mp3s) of interviews with 12 highly creative artists and bloggers. There's 2 hours and 57 minutes of inspiring audio to savour over many cups of tea, long walks or while you're enjoying studio time.
- Complete transcripts in pdf format so that you print them up and underline, write inspirations and draw in the margins as ideas start to bubble and flow.
- Special Bonuses: Several interviewees have contributed additional materials to encourage your creative spirit to soar!
- Connection: Where to find each of these inspiring women, so you can stay connected. The inspiration doesn't have to end when the interviews are over!
- With your bonuses, that's almost 3 hours of audio and over 100 pages for you to download and enjoy.
- This is a creative power pack!
Your Creative Spark:
Inspiring Interviews with 12 Highly Creative Bloggers
Inspiring Interviews with 12 Highly Creative Bloggers
Your host...
Jamie Ridler Studios
Starshyne Productions
Jamie Ridler MA CPCC is a creative self-development coach, a creative blogger and the host of The Next Chapter book blogging group. Jamie also runs Wishcasting, a weekly event for wishing, and Full Moon Dreamers, a monthly dreamboard event for manifesting your innermost desires. She is the director of Jamie Ridler Studios, a company dedicated to helping you ignite your creative spark.

Artizen Coaching
Life Unfolds
Listen to Jenn to discover your inner muse and create your wo-manifesto!

Rebelling against traditional definitions, Suzie reveals the creativity of being a domestic diva.
Let Jessie inspire you to Be Brave and discover your own unique gifts.
For pet portrait artist, Jessie Marianiello, it’s all about capturing personality. Jessie’s paintings are a heartfelt gesture celebrating the unconditional love and infinite happiness that our four-legged friends have brought to us. Jessie’s goal as an artist and animal lover is to create artwork that honors the unique life force within each of us. She paints to tell a story. But, even more so, she paints because it causes her to experience more love than she often know what to do with.Jessie is a full-time artist living in the wintery tundra of Minneapolis, MN with her three dogs, 2 cats, and 1 husband. She loves strong coffee, is the creator of the Be Brave Project, and believes in creating a life that fills you from the inside out.

Blue Tree Art Gallery
Creative Every Day
Go on a Art Picnic with Leah and let your creativity play!
The Creative Every Day Challenge is a low-pressure challenge and is open to everyone looking to infuse their daily life with creativity.

Christine's Blog
Hear how Christine finds inspiration by getting to the page!
Christine Mason Miller is a Santa Monica based artist with nearly 15 years of art, design and illustration experience. She is the creator of the internationally recognized brand Swirly, and her work has been inspiring people of all ages worldwide to follow their dreams and passions since 1995. Her work as an artist has evolved far beyond the Swirly world, with collections of paintings and mixed media creations being sold and exhibited nationwide. Christine's work gives viewers a peek into a variety of details of her life, from travels around the globe to memories shared with her grandma. Using materials as varied as acrylic and oil paints, pastels, ink, vintage photographs and other ephemera. Christine's creations are full of color, texture and hidden stories.
Her latest creation, Ordinary Sparkling Moments, is a full color self-published book that combines her mixed media work and writing, all aimed at exploring the joys of finding wisdom in everyday life. Ordinary Sparkling Moments was released in August 2008 and can be purchased on this website, Etsy and Amazon.com.

Superhero Designs
Superhero Journal
Learn Superhero tactics for defeating your inner saboteurs so you can fly!

An Eager Soul's Journal
Creating in the Midst
Melba shows you how to create in the midst - honouring your creative spark in the midst of family life.
Melanie (Melba) McMullin loves...to write in her journal...to create collages with scraps from her life...to read...to be alone...to be present with her family...to think...to meditate...to listen to music...to share stories...to drink coffee, tea, or cocktails...to eat...to dream...to consciously create...to feel connected. Melanie lives with her loving husband and two very imaginative young children in Cape Cod, MA.

Goddess Guidebook
Let Leonie help you experience the goddess in you.
Your Creative Spark includes a guided meditation with this creative goddess.

Jen Lemen draws on her big sister energy to encourage you to pursue your creative dreams despite roadblocks and rejection.

Small Moments Make a Life
Darlene shares how she's gotten over creative challenges
and makes a huge declaration!
She has an English Literature degree and a Secondary Education degree and works full time as a project coordinator in the healthcare sector. She and her husband also started a photography business in 2008 which specializes in artist, lifestyle and wedding photography. She continues to take art, writing and photography classes and workshops when she can and hopes that she will continue to learn, grow and change as the years go by.
She is grateful for: family, the light that casts beauty across shadows, music that lifts emotions, a little house and garden filled with colour and love, friends and inspirations, the beauty of nature, the ocean's cold spray, the soft barnacle skin of the grey whale and the possibilities that exist in life.

Sun Coach
Sun Coach Blog
Be mentored by Sunny and discover what brings you back to you.
Sunny Schlenger is a professional organizer, author and mentor with over 30 years of experience as a pioneer in her field. She helped launch the “custom-tailored” approach to getting organized in the 90’s with her best-selling book, How To Be Organized In Spite Of Yourself, whose approach was licensed by Harvard University’s training and development program. She then took the concept of organizing to the next level by integrating it with spirituality. The result, Organizing For The Spirit was published in 2004.
In addition, Sunny has also been named as a “flow master” by Charlene Belitz and Meg Lundstrom, authors of The Power of Flow (New York: Random House, 1997). The title designates someone who is one of a group of people “highly engaged in the natural, effortless, unfolding of life in a way that moves them towards wholeness and harmony.” As a consultant, author, coach and mentor, Sunny has worked with thousands of people, assisting them in their quest for self-realization, productivity and peace.

Grow Wings
Listen to Laini and discover how work through your perfectionism to really get things done!
Though Laini had always wanted to be a writer, a patch of *writer's block* after college (a symptom of staring at a computer screen all day at her first *real job* as an editor) led her on a winding path to art school in her mid-20s. She now designs a licensed product line, Laini's Ladies, that is sold throughout the country and beyond. She lives with her husband, illustrator Jim Di Bartolo, and their old dog Leroy, and spends her days writing and designing.
Your Creative Spark: The Nitty Gritty
To recap, Your Creative Spark includes...
- Audio files (mp3) of interviews with 12 highly creative artists and bloggers. There's almost 3 hours of inspiring audio to enjoy.
- Complete transcripts in pdf format so that you can print them up and dive in with a pen or highlighter and engage with this motivational material.
- Special Bonuses: Several of these creative guides have shared even more of their wisdom with bonuses to encourage your dreams and aspirations. We believe in you!
- Connection: The transcripts include ways to connect to each of these inspiring women because once you've heard what they've had to say, you're definitely going to want more!
- The Truth about Dreams by Christine Mason Miller
- When Old Dreams Change by Sunny Schlenger
- Creative Cycles and Art Picnics by Leah Piken Kolidas
- British Scones with Apricot Jam and Butter by Suzie Ridler
- Desire: The Art of Living Your Passion by Jessie Marianiello
- Your Life is Your Studio by Jamie Ridler
- 10 Ways to Fly Beyond Creative Dream Frustration and Fears by Leonie Allan
With your bonuses, Your Creative Spark: Inspiring Interviews with Highly Creative Bloggers
is almost 3 hours of audio and over 100 pages of inspiration!
A creative power pack is yours to download for only $47.
is almost 3 hours of audio and over 100 pages of inspiration!
A creative power pack is yours to download for only $47.
But be prepared, listening to these interviews may change your life. Here's what happened when Lisa of Groggy Froggy listened to the interview with life coach and artist Jennifer Lee:
Thank you so much for this interview. I listened to it fresh from a part-time (low low paying) job interview. I was sitting here in near tears at the thought of saying yes to it.
Then, I clicked on the interview and began to listen. I paused it and called our local parks and recs and talked to them about offering some soulcollage classes to their children!
My husband came home while I was on the call and we talked. We decided that I wouldn't take the job but I would spend as much energy working on doing what I love and let the Universe take care of the rest.
My next plan is to write a proposal letter since Parks and Rec was interested! And then a business plan to keep myself engaged.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
Listening to these interviews may also transform the way you see yourself. That's what happened to Lil from The Power of Creation when listening to Suzie Ridler.
LOL ~ that was so great to hear! In the middle of your interview, Suzie, I grabbed a pen and jotted down a note to acknowlege my creativity as a domestic diva. Up until now, it's not something I would have called as "creative" or even recognized as worthy of being enjoyable... but hearing your enthusiasm about it (and knowing where you've come from through your blog writing) has instantly allowed me to say, "Hey, I DO get enjoyment from this...and I do allow my own creative spark to influence my cooking and atmospere in my home for my family and myself!" While it's not exactly how I want to fully express my creativeness, it's within the doability (is that even a word?) my life as a mother of a preschooler is. So mote it be!
And you'll want to listen to the interviews again and again, like Ananda of Kiamsha.com.
Thanks Jamie for interviewing Melba. I loved her comments about connecting with your creativity through the support of online communities. That has been a huge source of inspiration and support for me. I also appreciated Melba sharing the importance of keeping centered and connected to Spirit and self and keeping her creativity on the agenda by giving herself goals and staying connected to people through blogs and offline activities. I love Melba's concept of guides ... staying connected to my soul ... and understanding when you get off track that you can recenter yourself and come back to your soul as your guide.
It was such a wonderful treat to hear the juicy conversation ... I listened to it twice and will do it again because there is so much wisdom. Many blessings Melba and Jamie.
Thanks Jamie for interviewing Melba. I loved her comments about connecting with your creativity through the support of online communities. That has been a huge source of inspiration and support for me. I also appreciated Melba sharing the importance of keeping centered and connected to Spirit and self and keeping her creativity on the agenda by giving herself goals and staying connected to people through blogs and offline activities. I love Melba's concept of guides ... staying connected to my soul ... and understanding when you get off track that you can recenter yourself and come back to your soul as your guide.
It was such a wonderful treat to hear the juicy conversation ... I listened to it twice and will do it again because there is so much wisdom. Many blessings Melba and Jamie.
Your Creative Spark: Inspiring Interviews with 12 Highly Creative Bloggers
for 2 hours and 57 minutes of audio (mp3)
122 pages of accompanying text (pdf),
including full transcripts and bonus material from featured artists
for 2 hours and 57 minutes of audio (mp3)
122 pages of accompanying text (pdf),
including full transcripts and bonus material from featured artists
Jamie Ridler Studios
jamie (at) openthedoor (dot) ca
If Your Creative Spark excites your muse, sign up for my monthly e-zine for regular doses of inspiration and to stay up-to-date on creative offerings ranging from Full Moon Dreamboards to The Next Chapter book blogging group. You won't want to miss a thing!
Sign up for News from Jamie Ridler Studios